Watching short videos has become increasingly popular among young people, as they are easy to access and can be extremely interesting. And many people consider watching videos not only as a channel for entertainment but as an essential part of information acquisition and social interaction. However, the popularity also comes with doubts and even objections because some people regard short videos as source of addiction. Furthermore, short videos may contain bad, vulgar, and even illegal content, which will of course do harm to the image of a harmony and peaceful society. I agree with both sides to some extent, and frankly speaking, I tend to defend the former opinion in general. The short videos show more positive influence on the whole.
To start with, let’s think about the reason for short videos’ popularity. No one can miss its key feature as it’s hardcoded in the name – it’s SHORT! And it means that short videos share immediate joy without pretense and are also easy to upload and view quickly, even on slower mobile connections. As a result, the threshold for use is significantly lowered and everybody can participate in the interaction. If that still doesn’t ring a bell, let me remind you with the question why basketball, TV and computer get widespread. What short videos have done is merely taking the place of basketball and TV as a better server of entertainment and social connection. So what’s worth worrying about?
In a different view, we may also see short videos as a tool saving time rather than wasting it. The conclusion comes with the fact that it has the ability to migrate various sources of news to a single platform. This trend began with people sharing information among friends informly and ended up with official media and press migrating to short video apps whose user growth seems promising. In the end, people can have their need of information acquisition met at the same time of enjoying relaxation, saving the time previously spent on other news apps. Well, it also explains why short videos won.
Last but not least, it’s not surprising that supervision arrives one step after the wide spread. Thanks to the great efforts of the internet-regulatory departments, inapprociate content is not as common as it used to be. With such strict supervision, it’s guaranteed that side effects are limited while positive effects remain amplified.
To sum up, the hot short videos do bring some harm and challenges to our life, but its spread proves nearly inevitable and can contribute some benefits on condition that we use it wisely.
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